Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jean Piaget Essay

My own beliefs about early childhood education are based upon the knowledge that children’s growth is developmental. It seems very clear to me that a high quality early childhood program must provide a safe and nurturing environment which promotes a broad spectrum of support for the child’s physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. I strongly agree with the tenets of the National Association for the Education of Young children–that high quality, developmentally appropriate programs should be available to all children (Bredekamp & Rosegrant, 1992, p. 7). Children under the age of eight have enormous potential for growth and achievement, and it is my belief that they have rights to fulfill their possibilities. A separate statement of the NAEYC divides the concept of appropriateness into two aspects–age appropriateness and individual appropriateness (Bredekamp, 1987, p. 2). This statement coincides with my belief that children are unique individuals who may or may not reflect the usual characteristics of other children of their same age. Furthermore, I believe that a developmentally appropriate curriculum for young children is correctly tailored to the specifics of each age group. Different ages have different needs, interests, and developmental tasks, and the curriculum should reflect those variations. The most effective early childhood curriculum offers creative expression, social and emotional interaction, child-adult communication, child-child communication, physical expression, knowledge acquisition, reasoning practice, risk-taking, and personal autonomy. Early childhood learning happens through play. In this case, play is a serious matter, although it is quite fun to all involved. Children learn by doing and actively participating. When given the opportunity to explore, children flourish. They experiment, make choices, achieve strength and a sense of belonging as an effective individual within the context of a supportive, safe group. It is my belief that early childhood learning must happen in an integrated manner. Children of this age are too young for rigidly separated subject matter, and the skillful teacher of young children easily integrates the physical, emotional, social, creative, and cognitive areas of early learning. Role of Child as a Learner Johann Pestalozzi and Froebel, two of the earliest professionals in early childhood education, championed the development of the quality of early childhood theory and practice. Pestalozzi contended that young children learn most effectively by doing, by playing, and by interacting with the environment–the physical world and other children (McCarthy & Houston, 1980, p. 4). Early, effective learning happens best in a mixed age group, multi-cultural settings,  Froebel, like Pestalozzi, believed that play is of paramount importance in the development of the child, and that the emotional quality of the child’s life (relationship with parents and other significant people) profoundly permeates the quality of the child’s life (McCarthy & Houston, 1980, p. 6). Pestalozzi did not particularly formalize his theories and methods, but he had a very good intuitive grasp of the necessity for language development, nurturing environments, and healthy relationships for children as a springboard for optimum learning. The child as a learner has cognitive needs, and these vary according to the age of the child. Piaget became famous for his work in the cognitive domain, and his guidelines of pre-operational thought to more sophisticated abstract thinking are useful for teachers who wish to be careful about not expecting too much from children who are operating at a lower cognitive level (DeVries & Kohlberg, 1987, p. 54). His work was rather theoretical, and others (principally Kamii and DeVries) have expanded Piaget’s theory to widen its practical usefulness in early childhood classrooms. The young child learns from the motivation of a need to know, and most early learning takes place in the context of the home and relationship with parents and other family members. Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, one of the earliest workers in the area of developmental psychology and psychopathology, believed that children’s learning happens within the framework of the child’s activities and is greatly influenced by the society and values of the persons near the child. The entire field of child development then consists of â€Å"an endless stream of dialectical conflicts and resolutions, with the resolutions then internalized to form the child’s increasingly sophisticated physical and psychological knowledge† (Thomas, 1992, p. 322). John Dewey’s progressive education movement greatly affected thinking and practice for teachers desiring to arrange an appropriate environment for young learners. Dewey was one of the most influential educational philosophers in the United States in the early 1900’s and his influence is still felt in the 1990’s (McCarthy & Houston, 1980, p.6). Dewey and other forward-thinking professionals of his time believed that learning should be based upon the children’s interests and that children should be actively involved in their education. Before Dewey’s time, most classroom activity consisted of teachers instructing passive, obedient listeners. Dewey’s work provided a solid philosophical basis for early childhood educators who desire to integrate subject matter into whatever the children are actively involved with at the moment. Dewey contended that any kind of life experience is valuable for learning. Dewey was humanistic in his orientation, and his work spoke to the importance of human interest, value, and dignity (McCarthy & Houston, 1980, p. 8). Abraham Maslow was one of the first psychologists to emphasize the importance of various needs being met before other, higher needs come into focus. He placed the physical needs at the bottom of his needs hierarchy, followed by the need for love and belonging. Physically, children at young ages grow and change dramatically from year to year, and the alert, educated teacher will firmly grasp the necessity of a balanced program of large muscle activity, small muscle play, outdoor opportunities for expression of vigorous excess energy, and small motor expressive activity (Bredekamp, 1987, p. 56). Psychologically, children must feel safe before they are able to explore and learn. Children learn through social interaction with adults and other children, and their learning begins with awareness, moving through cycles of exploration, questioning, and application. Vygotsky viewed each child’s learning in terms of that child’s own ontogenetic development. Each experience of the child comes about as a result of the child’s prior experiences of problem-solving and problem resolution (Thomas, 1992, p. 323). Mitchell, a student of John Dewey, also emphasized the necessity of learning within the context of the group. She believed that education for a democratic society begins at a very young age and she placed great importance on young children learning to cooperate and operate within a group (McCarthy & Houston, 1980, p. 9). Carl Jung did a great deal of research and writing in the areas of variation of personality types, and his concepts lead us to believe that some individuals do their best work completely alone, even at a very young age. Carl Rogers also wrote about the importance of the individual contemplative experience. Like Maslow, Rogers as a humanistic psychologist believed in the importance of the human, individual aspect of learning. He saw learning as a change in self-organization. These learnings may be threatening and happen best in a psychologically safe, supportive environment (Rogers, 1969, p. 159). Although Rogers’ work primarily applied to the therapeutic counseling situation, it has great application to anyone dedicated to assisting others learn more about themselves. Role of the Teacher in the Learning Process Carl Rogers also had definite views on the nature of learning and the role of the teacher. He said that people learn by doing and by activities which involve the whole person (Rogers, 1969, p. 162). He contended that the most useful learning is the learning of the process of learning so that practical problems of living in a changing society may find successful solutions. According to Rogers and others who have followed similar philosophies, teachers are guides and facilitators. They set a creative, stimulating, supportive environment which enhances the child’s natural curiosity about life around him. The astute early childhood educator provides a variety of activities, objects, events, materials and people which will assist the children in channelling their innate drive to learn. The best teachers are current in the understandings of fads and characters that appeal to young children–television shows, favorite foods, clothing, and stories that are modern. Young children tune out adults who simply do not understand current culture. In this way, responsible teachers bring multicultural awareness into the classroom as well as information and materials relevant to their own ethnic background. Mixed classrooms provide an excellent opportunity to teach trust, respect, pride, appreciation of differences, and orderly group problem-solving (McCracken, 1993, p. 55). The teacher sets the tone for self acceptance and the acceptance of others. The effective early childhood teacher is an active learner, regardless of her own age, and this type of professional engages children in active participation with materials that are genuinely interesting to the children. This type of adult extends the child’s learning with skillful questioning and acceptance of error through experimentation. The well-versed teacher understands the various levels of cognitive learning, Piaget’s theories, and Blooms Taxonomy so that children are guided and encouraged, but never forced into an intellectual level that is not appropriate. Responsible early childhood teachers respect the individual styles of the students at all times, as well as the various cultures from which they originate. The emotional tone in the best early childhood environments is one of warmth, high self-esteem, and safety. Creative expression is welcomed, even if the forms prove to be highly unusual. Mitchell advocated creative expression of the whole child, through conversation, art, music, dance, and story-telling (McCarthy & Houston, 1980, p. 9). Cooperative learning and family involvement provide rich resources for respect among individuals and groups of a variety of different cultures. Skillful teachers in multicultural settings will recognize those values which must be basic (respect for the human body and rules for group interaction) and encourage the expression of the varieties and nuances specific to the individual ethnic group (McCracken, 1993, p. 65). Role of Peers in Learning The National Association for the Education of Young Children strongly advocates the guidance of social-emotional development in the classroom. Teachers have the responsibility for positive modeling, encouraging expected behavior, redirecting inappropriate actions, and setting clear limits. With this type of skilled teaching, children learn the social skills of cooperation, helping, negotiation, and verbal communication. In order for these important social skills to happen, teachers must depart from the traditional modes of instructing, placing children at individual desks, and spending a great deal of time as referee or punisher (Bredekamp, 1987, p. 55). CLASSROOM PRACTICES It is evident from the previous writing that effective teaching requires the logical, ethical translation of teaching philosophy into classroom implementation. Most importantly, all activities for young children must be developmentally appropriate to the age (Bredekamp & Rosegrant, 1992). This is true across the board in every subject matter and in every aspect of the child’s being–physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and spiritual. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION In order to be an effective early childhood teacher, I must know my own philosophy, limitations, prejudices, and strengths. In general, I prefer five-year olds, and honestly, I am more comfortable with students of this age who are from my own cultural background. I lean philosophically towards the concepts of Pestalozzi and Froebel as well as the humanistic psychologists who followed in this country. Most of all I strive to provide age-appropriate materials and experiences for the children. References Bredekamp, S. (1987). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8. Washington, D. C. : NAEYC. Bredekamp, S. , & Rosegrant, T. (Editors) (1992). Reaching potentials: Appropriate curriculum and assessment for young children, Volume 1. Washington, D. C. : NAEYC. DeVries, R. , & Kohlberg, L. (1987). Constructivism early education: Overview and comparison with other programs: Washington, D. C. : NAEYC. McCarthy, M. , & Houston, J. (1980). Fundamentals of early childhood education. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Winthrop Publishers. McCracken, J. B. (1993). Valuing diversity: The primary years. Washington, D. C. NAEYC. Rogers, C. (1969). Freedom to learn. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill. Thomas, R. M. (1992). Comparing theories of child development, Third Edition. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Notes For Religion Exam

Theory essay and pop culture essay. Underline and circle key terms Islam, Post cool, psychoanalytical theory Chinese, Islam, indigenous, Hinduism, Janis, Buddhism 6 study questions Chinese Religion Question 3 -? How would you characterize Confucianism treatment of women? – Women had a critical, albeit indirect and informal role to play in government. Stores told illustrate the influence that a woman could exercise through intelligence and wisdom.Their role is important but lesser than the man. Bed ritual Islam Religion Question 3 – What is the Curran? How is it understood in the Muslim tradition? – The Curran was revealed to the prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years. The angel Gabriel appeared to him and gave him the verses that became the Curran. It is the word of god and is not translated, but always read in Arabic. Indigenous Religion Question 3 -? Many indigenous religions have understood religious power in gendered terms.How are these gender divisions r eflected n the traditions you have read about in this chapter? – Women are generally higher than men in indigenous religions. In Melanesia, men are very suspicious of women and perform odd rituals in order to have menstrual equality. Hinduism Religion Question 3 – What role do sacred texts play in Hinduism? They play a significant role in the religion. The Veda is the most authoritative text. Many of the ideas in this book helped establish Hinduism. The Veda is not kept in homes and its ideas are handed down from enervation to generation.Janis Religion Question 3 -? What are the main reasons believed to be responsible for the Asseverate and Digamma splitting? Occurred after the death of Mayfair Discrepancy over ascetic practice, women, and nature of the Jinn Separation – culture reform Buddhism Religion Question 3 – What role if any do deities play in Buddhism? Do not play a major role Many deities in the religion that represent certain ideals, but Buddha preached to let go of the idea of a God in order to achieve NirvanaCritical Race Theory – Racialism (Belief in racial superiority), racism (Power relations that grow from segregation), Hegemony (white dominance of America), intra-racial racism (racism within black community, and Internalized racism.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bond Markets and Hedge Funds

While watching the video, this video came in my mind again and again, and it would be most suitable to talk about this in this paper. After a thorough research, it could be found out that the debate regarding which market is bigger and better has been up for long but talking about my perception and as per the proofs with me, the bond market is undoubtedly greater than the stock exchange. There are some reasons for proving this assertion (Cheng, 2010). Firstly, let us talk about the size of each of these markets and after that, we can talk about other aspects of these two markets. As of today, the bond market is estimated to be more than mind blowing $82 trillion whereas on the other hand stock market is estimated to be around $40-$50 trillion. This estimated evaluation alone puts the bond market in the front seat as it is more than twice the size of the stock market which speaks volumes about the value of the bond market. Another important aspect is that bond market has a higher and larger number of issuers than the stock market. The different segments of issuers range from corporate, government, municipal, funding; mortgage supported, etc. Whereas the stock market has issuers from a particular set of corporate sector panies and for example, in the United States of America, there are around 17,000 enterprises of the public sector. One thing which cannot be neglected is that stock market is undoubtedly more influential on sentiments. Now for example, if someone asks what is the key indicator for the stock market? They will get an apt reply S&P 500 or Dow most probably but on asking the same question for a bond market most of the people would remain clueless (e.g.,. Indexes such as Merrill Lynch Domestic Master) this gives the stock market a wider and broader voice and reach. Now once that has been discussed, as per my assumption bond market remains more powerful and influential than the stock market. The reason for saying so is that bond markets have a stable and fixed return guaranteed and hence, they are more predictable. Now if the yields are naturally high, then their does not generate a need for investing time and one in stocks. There is no similar risk reward. But yes, definitely if the yields are quite low in bonds then it would be wiser to switch to stocks. This is what gives the bond market the advantage as they are predictable and the customers can switch as per their ease but this does not work so smoothly in stock markets, and one does not have the privilege to predict stocks, and they are much more volatile. Hence, it can be said that this analysis is not a clear or high-end research work but still practically it is quite apt, and if this question is asked personally then definitely the answer would be that bond markets are much stronger and influential than the stock markets (Staff, 1995). It is also imperative to understand that both bond and stock markets are closely webbed, and most of the major stakeholders have a good hold in both these markets and keep shifting their funds from one to another as per the requirements. The stock market will always remain tempting and glamorous amidst the general masses but yes no doubt bond market will have greater influence as it es with the benefit of stability and guaranteed returns and attracts more institutional cash. This question has been pondering for a longer period but after watching the video, it certainly incited me to write about this issue the very first time when this question came across was when the opposition of Labour party in the UK accused the governing party of the Conservative party of giving away favours to its hedge fund managers. By the year 2015 since 2010, more than fifty percent of the cream layer of these hedge funds had donated their money to the Conservative party which when totalled estimates around Euro ten million. Since then and in past also, these hedge fund managers have been recognized as experts in investment skills and also known for their wealth. But how do these experts of investment work? Let us see in the subsequent sections. Well, it is peculiar to understand that rather than being recognized as an asset class, they are more correctly defined by the structure possessed by them. Hedge funds have a long history, and it all started when in the 1940's a man named Alfred Winslow Jones had set up an investment structure which helped him to bet for the fall as well as the rise of the prices and charge a small fee as his performance fee. It again got a boost in the late 1990's especially when George Soros speculation forced sterling out of the mechanism of the exchange rate, and he was dubbed as the man who broke the England bank (Clarke, 2007). Now talking about hedge funds in detail, they can be called as the pots of money which are opened or revealed only to a specific set of investors who usually use a set of plex instruments and strategies. In the beginning, they were assigned the job to produce an absolute or positive return in the market, and this had to be done by betting on falling prices and also for long shots by relying on the market for rising prices. Now, for example, a hedge fund can bet on BP, which is a big giant pany in the sector of petroleum and oil by buying its shares and on the other hand shorting the market. This short allows the hedge fund to bet on an individual pany and at the same time insulating the fund from the bigger risk of taking a loss due to a big decline in the market. More often than not, hedge funds try to exploit the small mispricing of the market which can pay off in a handsome amount only and only if the best are all leveraged. Most of the fund try and magnify their resources by the help of borrowed money. It is peculiar to notice that this approached can be applied by the hedge fund owners for different types of markets ranging from shares, mergers, currencies and equity (Economist, 2015). To reflect the higher skill set, fund managers charge more than the mutual fund managers. Conventionally these hedge fund managers earn a â€Å"two and twenty" i.e. a 2% annual charge from the capital which is under management and a performance fee of twenty percent from the profits earned and this is the reason why so many hedge fund managers are rich as they get a handsome amount for the duties they impart (Gad, 2013). But now a lot of things have been changing as the regulators are keeping a closer eye on these managers and even the investors have started demanding for much lower fees especially due to recent performances with average results from these managers. Hence, in the end, it can be said that bond markets are more important than the stock market if not on scientific research methods then at least as per the practical and available arguments. Secondly, the hedge fund owners have been getting a lot of money because of the policy of two plus twenty which gives them handsome amount of payback Cheng, L. (2010, August 12).  Which is more important – the stock market or the bond market?  Retrieved July 3, 2016, from https://larrycheng /2010/08/11/which-is-more-important-the-stock-market-or-the-bond-market/ Clarke, M. (2007, March 27). How hedge funds work.  Investing. Retrieved from Economic Importance of the Corporate Bond Markets. (2014). Retrieved July 3, 2016, from file:///C:/Users/HP/Desktop/New%20folder/Corporate%20Bond%20Markets%20March%202013.pdf Economist, T. (2015, March 30).  How hedge funds work. Retrieved July 3, 2016, from https://www.economist /blogs/economist-explains/2015/03/economist-explains-16 Ferguson, N.  Ascent of Money  Retrieved from Furlong, M., & Co-founder. (2015, February 17).  Hedge fund investing overview: What you need to know. Retrieved July 3, 2016, from All Posts, https://www.slicedinvesting /learning/finance/hedge-fund-investing-overview-need-know Gad, S. (2013, October 22). What are hedge funds?  Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes /sites/investopedia/2013/10/22/what-are-hedge-funds/ Staff, M. F. (1995).  5 bond market facts you need to know -- the motley fool. Retrieved July 3, 2016, from https://www.fool /knowledge-center/5-bond-market-facts-you-need-to-know.aspx

Faith beliefs, or symbols, or myths Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Faith beliefs, or symbols, or myths - Essay Example He urges for such an attitude built upon the grounds of faith, effective for a common catholic so that he can built and enhance his faith on the pillars of human spirit which breaks boundaries, advances knowledge and expands horizons. He argues that a positive approach is leaded by the faith, automatically enforced when instructs itself out of the past and not in disregard of history, culture or tradition. According to Tillich Paul, "Faith is not simply the will to believe. It is a cognitive affirmation of the transcendent nature of ultimate reality. This is achieved, not simply by a process of intellectual inquiry, but by an act of acceptance and surrender". The experience in Theology has been affected by the influence of Modernism, which created a distrust regarding the experience in Theology, distrust created by a spectrum of psychological and social events turnover continued to narrow at the turn of the century. It was due to this turn that created a huge gap between Catholicism and Buddhism. This development of widening bridge can be seen as a result of changes in certain perceptional aspects like historical, social, scientific, and cultural expressions of experience. These aspects created unique influences along with experiences that turned Buddhism towards catholic theologies to some extent. What were behind those theologies that the lack of strong pan-Buddhist national organizations simply reflected the current stage of development in Buddhism. Catholicism was present in the colonial period, only developed strong national institutions over the course of the nineteenth century. But Buddhists may forego the development of comparabl e national organizations; the current decentralization could become a permanent condition. This approach to the dharma may be strength rather than a weakness. It has so far meant that Buddhism is characterized by variety and complexity at a time when the nation's ideals are increasingly being recast in terms of multiplicity and autonomy at the local and regional levels. In each theology, there is a faith, which is theoretical and practical, with the latter trying to understand the devotional and mystical writings. The theological approach traditionally rested on a given faith position, but during the last two centuries, has adopted a more liberal stance with a freer interpretation of scripture and a much greater interest in religions other than Christianity. But revelation in its various forms - free inquiry, truth claims - continues to be a subject of debate. An impact on theological methodology has been made by the rise of Religious Studies, which considers religion in general, and each religion in particular uses the various approaches. The evolution of faith starts from where uncertainty ends. The difference between faith and doubt is the difference between uncertainty and certainty. To be certain is to be sure, to believe in something by accepting all the facts, all the realities, whereas to be uncertain is a skeptical condition, which creates chaos within a person. A chaos that leads a person towards the threshold of confusion and distortion. Dermot Lane analyzes the situation and the loopholes of the Christian Theology being percepted by the Catholics, so he invites them to deepen their thoughts and analyze their beliefs as to how and what

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Statistic Discussion Questions WEEK 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statistic Discussion Questions WEEK 6 - Essay Example (Investopedia, 2009) Correlation is a method which helps in measuring the relationship between two variables. It tells us about how one variable will affect the other. Correlation lies between -1 to +1. If it is positive then both the variables are directly related and if it is negative then both the variables are inversely related. It helps in making strategies because it helps in forecasting how the business will be and what decisions need to be taken. (Investopedia, 2009) Some people think that when two events occur together, then they have cause-and-effect relationship according to which, one variable causes the change in the other. This might cause damage to a company and might lead to massive loss. For example, if a company invests somewhere thinking that the correlation was the cause-and-effect relation, then the company might have to suffer huge losses. (Experiment-Resources, 2008) The dependant and independent variables are related to one another. It is assumed that for a certain amount of independent variable, there is a normally distributed amount of mean that shows the dependant variable. The equation these terms produce are best approximates and shows the functional relationship between the data

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Can Massage Therapy Help the Brain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Can Massage Therapy Help the Brain - Essay Example Manual muscle therapies are effective if they are undertaken by following a recommendation from a doctor (Hopson 2003). Spinal cord and brain function can undergo a profound positive change with CranioSacral Therapy. Since 1975, the therapy is successfully used in treating ADD (attention deficit disorder) and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The structural restrictions in membrane layers and bones around the spinal cord and brain inhibit the normal flow of vital nutrients and fluids into and out of brain that assist proper function of the manner. The gentle application of CranioSacral Therapy release the restriction in these organs and enhance the natural function of brain which decreases the levels of ADHD and ADD and alleviate the disorders completely. The manual, light touch CranioSacral therapy offers solutions to the restrictions in craniosacral system. The craniosacral system comprises of fluids and membranes that protect and surround the spinal cord and brain. This is an important physiological system that stretches from the face, mouth, bones of the skull and forms the cranium sacrum and the tailbone area. The CranioSacral therapy is highly effective improving the flow of fluid within the spinal cord, brain and the whole body and relieves any adverse strain and restrictions. The stronger fluid movement enables brain cells to receive the required amount of essential nutrients to function effectively and synchronize with other cells. The proper fluid flow forms a environment in brain where toxic irritants and waste products are flushed out constantly. When the stress cause by the compromised fluid flow is alleviated the regions of the brain that was underactive or overactive will return to normalcy. The outcome of under massage therapy is a central nervous system with greater mobility and balance and a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Religion in Colonial Society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Religion in Colonial Society - Assignment Example In Massachusetts Bay, Winthrop led a colony that he believed he was called by God to lead. He exercised authority with a divine perspective and entrenched democracy in the church. The churchmen were the only people allowed to choose their colonies leaders. In his sermon ‘A Model of Christian Charity’ Winthrop outline God purpose for the Massachusetts Bay (Winthrop). The church has a big role to play in the way the colony was governed. Consequently, the group that settled in Plymouth had a similar system in governing it people. Bradford had come out of the Church of England with the aim of reforming the church values to its primitive ways. The earlier Christian believed the bible to be the ultimate reference book in governing and others ways of life (Halsall). The Maryland Act of Toleration made profound announcement to God similar to the Puritan writings. However, the ‘Plantation Agreement at Providence expounded on the freedom of men in running out the resources in the new found colony (The Maryland Toleration Act 1649). The influence of the early religion in America has continued to influence the majority of the population. People have aligned them self to policies that have been run down through history. The Christian life of American is shaped by the ideas of the Pilgrim and the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

In the voice of Tita, write to Mama Elena and tell her how you feel Essay

In the voice of Tita, write to Mama Elena and tell her how you feel - Essay Example For all my life, I wanted nothing but your love and your care, but what you have given to me in return for all my selfless services? A broken heart? A tormented soul? Mama, I have never demanded anything from your other than Pedro in my life and what excuse did you give? You loved your traditions and old customs more than your own blood. For a mother, her child’s happiness means everything, but sadly, to you your old and out fashioned traditions means an entire world. Your unjust behavior and selfishness have left a hollow space in my heart. Mama, you should be ashamed of being a selfish mother; you should be ashamed of betraying your own daughter, your own blood over your traditions and stern behavior. With all the pain I have in my heart, I hold you responsible for every bad incident in my life. Its only you who have made me suffer for the rest of my life. I lost the meaning of life and happiness, and it is only because of you, mama. I regret making selfless sacrifices for you. The damage you have caused to my soul is irreparable. You have hurt me more than anyone in the world, and no one else can hurt me more than

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Creativity and Play Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Creativity and Play - Essay Example Creativity likewise has many denotations and connotations in the English language. Creativity is hallmarked by intrinsic motivation, intention, adaptiveness and originality. It is what the person does, either the creative act or something aesthetically brand new and purposeful to the individual child. Original means it is not habitual and shies from routine. Creative has the implication of unconventional and intrinsically motivated. Intentional actions are not governed by conventions or extrinsic rewards (Sternberg, 1999). This essay will reflect on the importance of play in developing creativity. It seeks to analyze the different theories that are posited to reference childhood play and offer an evaluation of creativity across the early childhood curriculum’s in the United Kingdom (UK) namely; the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the National Curriculum (NC). Reference will be made to personal experience underpinned by relevant theory. It will begin with theoretical descriptions of creativity and play while exploring each construct separately and in relation to each other. The discussion will then follow early childhood education theories. Furthermore, the roles of teachers and parents in relation to creativity and play will be identified. Creativity is defined as a process involving the production of remote associations through thinking outside the box while possessing divergent or unusual, if not, original ideas. In creative play children develop their practical skills through imagining, designing and creating. Educational experts have developed standards defining what children should know and be able to do by certain grade levels. The content children learn in the creative curriculum is guided by these standards. The creative curriculum explains how to teach content in ways that respect the developmental stages of children. (James C. Kaufman, 2006) Teachers

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

In Norway, Start-ups Say Ja to Socialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

In Norway, Start-ups Say Ja to Socialism - Essay Example The author is an American who knows the American tax system very well and he spends a few weeks in Norway interviewing notable entrepreneurs such Dalmo, Sujit among others who have invested in Norway and they feel a social duty to pay taxes. While the author has tried to give objective analysis of the two tax systems, he is obviously consumed with the Norwegian tax system. The picture he paints in throughout the article is a social system in Norway that is foolproof to any tax evaders. All we wants to bring out is that every Norwegian is happy and contented with the taxes that they pay despite the rates being among the highest systems in the world. It is also ironical that as Norway continue to sail in the glory of entrepreneurial success; the U.S under President Obama bragging that the administration had passed. The article is well researched and well written and makes pertinent issues that are important for economic and social development of countries. Together with a touch of humor, the writer captures the imagination of the reader. He makes the reader to want to have another article. I would surely read another article from the writer since he seems to understand the life style and the effects of taxation on social and economic development very well. Much has been written about taxation and how tax rates affect entrepreneurs in a given country. Taxation is a hot topic among people both employees and employers. The articles that I have read about taxations did not give explicit and clear comparisons and analysis backed with actual examples on how higher taxes can improve the government’s provision of services to the people. There are however, a number of articles that support the argument of the writer that higher tax rates would sometimes lead to better services if tax payers and the government agreed on the provision of social welfare services such as health, education, and other benefits to the people. When

Parenting Skills Essay Example for Free

Parenting Skills Essay Review Questions 1. What are the differences between being a biological parent, an adoptive parent, and a foster parent? A biological parent are your real blood parents, an adoptive parent is your parent till you’re 18, and a foster home basically is somewhere to stay and home family till you get adopted not really a permanent situation. 2. What financial needs are parents obligated to provide and which are optional? Up to the age of 18 (unless they move out before) Then clothes, school, food, place to live ,utility bills etc, some kids have activities which would be provided by giving pocket money, educational toys and books, toiletries. Christmas presents are optional but cover fun toys etc after 18 I would hope she will have a job and can contribute towards bills etc. 3. What other needs might a child have that a parent is expected to provide? Toys for them to play with, love, support, food and a safe place to grow up in. 4. What are the qualities of a nurturing parent? A nurturing parent would never give up on their child and go throw everything with them. Would do anything for them even in the worst situation. Critical Thinking Questions 1. What qualities make a person a good parent? A bad parent? A good parent would be there for their child and do whats best for them. A bad parent wouldn’t show any love or care. 2. Which parental responsibilities do you think would be the most challenging? Why? I think letting go over your child and letting them go off on their own, because you will think they’re not safe or okay without you. 3. Which parental responsibilities do you think would be the most interesting to you? Why? I guess getting them their first pet. I love animals and when I do have kids one day I would love to teach them how to take care of the pet. 4. What are some things that people can do to prepare for parenthood? Nothing, because you wont know what to expect until it happens.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by R. L. Stevenson Essay Example for Free

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by R. L. Stevenson Essay While Stevensons Jekyll and Hyde is a reflection of the times in which it is set in, it also has considerable relevance for the modern reader. Do you agree? The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by R. L. Stevenson was first published in 1886, during the Victorian era. The novel gives the reader a very vivid picture of the ideas and lifestyles of the people in that time. The book is a reflection of times and has considerable relevance for the modern reader. I partially agree with the fact that the book has relevance for the modern reader. Stevensons main inspiration for The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde came from the life of Deacon William Brodie. He moved easily among the gentry during the day and exalted in criminal escapades at night. He was a respected member of the Town Council, and his talents as a cabinet-maker were well known and appreciated by wealthy members of society. By night he roamed the dark and dangerous streets of Edinburgh. He frequently visited many gambling and whore houses. His life was one of great interest at the time, especially after his capture. The interest in Brodies life even inspired Stevenson to write a play about his life, this relates to the increasing interest in horror stories in todays world. The mystery of his death still lingers, while interest about his life continues to grow. In 1859, a book called On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin was published. The book inserted into the minds of the Victorian people that man had evolved from apes. Hence we see the frequent references to Mr. Hydes animal characteristics through out the book. The author makes Mr. Hyde seem less than a fully evolved man, more akin to animals than the rest of mankind and he portrays this through the imagery of Mr. Hydes animalism. When Mr. Utterson first confronts him outside the laboratory entrance to Dr. Jekylls house, he is said to be taking in breath with a hissing sound, like that of a snake being cornered. Poole, Dr. Jekylls butler, describes his cry like that of a rat and his movements like a monkey; his screams are described as mere animal terror. In his Full Statement of the Case Dr. Jekyll says that his indulgent life which was chained down, began to growl, just like an animal that has been chained down for a long time. He also says that his dual personality is like the animal within me licking the chops of memory. The Victorian readers would be very familiar with these descriptions of people. But a modern reader wouldnt agree with the fact that man had evolved from apes as science has proved that isnt so. But we do see the animal in man taking over our actions, as we have seen the inhuman treatment delivered to soldiers by their fellow soldiers in the World Wars. Suicide bombers and terrorist attacks too are modern actions depicting the beast in man taking over the human personality. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde also reflects the hypocrisy of the Victorian era. Being an MP, his death would have aroused a lot of curiosity among the people. By assisting Mr. Utterson, Inspector Newmans name would be made popular, especially if he found the criminal. Hence while he wanted help bring the MPs murderer to justice, he was also doing it to better his professional name. This attitude reflects human nature. Every person has an evil side to their nature, Mr. Hyde reveals this side of our nature to society. By wanting to kill him, Poole, Mr. Utterson and the father of the girl who was trampled upon, were unconsciously rejecting and killing a part of their true selves; and are unconsciously guilty of hypocrisy. This form of hypocrisy is still common today, where people know that they are doing is wrong but choose to deny the fact and continue with their actions. These men knew that there was an evil side to their nature but choose to ignore the fact. The theme of hypocrisy is seen in the maid that Dr. Jekyll had employed in the Soho house, which was to be Mr. Hydes home, as she was known to be silent. But when Mr. Utterson and Inspector Newman arrive after the murder of Sir Danvers to inspect the house, she seems delighted with the fact that her master is in trouble, A flash of joy appeared upon the womans face.. Dr. Jekyll is one of the best examples of hypocrisy in the book, as he fails to accept that the evil side of his nature was a natural part of his personality; this denial led to his meltdown. He also had two faces or rather wore a public mask, which portrayed him as a very charitable and kind man. While in private he was committing murder and trampling on little children for no reason. We too are guilty of hypocrisy. We use people who are weaker than us to our benefit; sometimes our denial of certain facts causes us too to be guilty of hypocrisy, and at times can lead to our defacement. Stevensons book looks at the duality of human nature, the good and evil sides which are within all of us. The author is analysing the consequences of emphasising too much of one side or another of our nature. The theme of duality in mans nature is predominant in the novel. The theme is a very powerful description of the 19th century contradiction of outward respectability and inward lust, it also played a major role in the authors life. We see the theme being depicted in Dr. Jekylls attempts in separating the two elements of a persons nature. This theme is mainly seen in the characters of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekylls public image was one of a respected physician and chemist, someone who was respected by everyone he came in contact with. He was born into a prosperous family and hence had a good education. He would also be a man of high civility and with good taste. If Dr. Jekyll was to unleash his evil side, people would have been taken aback with his behaviour, as there was a certain degree of behaviour that had to be maintained among high ranking members of society, like himself. In order to avoid this marring, he created Mr. Hyde. When unleashed Mr. Hyde committed some very evil crimes. The author gives us details of only two of these incidents. The first, where he trampled over a little girl for no reason and walked away. Leaving her wounded and helpless on the street. The second, the murder of Sir Danvers Carew. The theme of duality in a persons character, is universal. People are always trying to hide their true selves out of fear that they may not get accepted into society, because peoples individuality isnt respected. People are expected to be just like someone else. The images of the street that Dr. Jekyll lived on also contribute to the theme of duality. The street is described to have freshly painted shutters, well- polished brasses and general cleanliness and gaiety of note, instantly caught and pleased the eye of the passenger. Two doors from one corner, on the left hand going east, the line was broken by the entry of a court; and just at that point, a sinister block of building thrust forward its gable on the street. The structure is said to have no window, nothing but a door on the lower storey and a blind forehead of discoloured wall on the upper.. The offending section of the street is the entrance that Mr. Hyde used, while Dr. Jekyll used the main square entrance. Today too streets have two natures. In the day it may be a street with thriving trade, but when darkness falls the trade becomes acts of crime. The lack of a leading leady in the novel represents the male dominant Victorian society. This contrasts with todays society, where the womans place and role is slowly rising from that of the home maker, to playing a role as important as that of the male. In the Victorian era the woman was only supposed to have a family. As a member of the upper class then she would indulge in her hobbies for most of the day. Or as a member of the lower class she would hold the position of maid servant in the house of a member of the upper class. This idea juxtaposes with the modern idea of the womans place in society. Today women have secured positions in all fields of life. The modern reader will be very familiar with the idea that suppression leads to violence. We see this idea being portrayed in the novel as well. R. L. Stevenson also uses imagery to depict this idea and help the reader visualise the message he is trying to convey. We are told that all the windows in Dr. Jekylls house have iron bars on them. These are symbols of his self imprisonment. His interest in eccentric science, led to his close friend Dr. Lanyon to end their professional relationship to end, and caused their friendly bond to drift further. The Victorian societys constraints, that is the certain level of behaviour that a member of a prosperous family had to maintain at all times; and Dr. Jekylls feelings of imprisonment motivated his dangerous experiments to create Mr. Hyde, or an evil twin as it would be known in modern days. When Dr. Jekyll prevents himself from turning himself into Mr. Hyde, the result of the suppression was his murdering Sir Danvers Carew. His denial of the fact that a persons evil side cannot be separated from their character, his experiments which showed that the two elements an be separated, and his unsuccessful attempts of preventing himself from taking the drug to transform into Mr. Hyde causes his eventual destruction. The interest in anatomy and chemicals is also common in modern times. The man who owned Dr. Jekylls house before him was a surgeon. Hence the presence of the laboratory. Dr. Jekyll was a chemist by profession, and his job was related to the human body. He wanted to prove that man is not truly one, but truly two. He wanted to separate the two elements, and house them in different identities and relieving the world of the intolerable. This idea is similar to that in Mary Shellys Frankenstein; that is the idea of man playing God. This is a very common idea today as well, genetics is a fast growing industry as man wants to take the place of God. To prove this, he went about mixing drugs and concocted a potion that would change his appearance. This would enable him to unleash his evil side, without tainting his image and still maintaining his middle-class respectability. Todays interest in chemicals and the anatomy is to duplicate species and to aid procreation like the creation of clones; to cure diseases and also to destroy life, like in the creation of bombs and poisonous gases. Addiction is another theme in the novel that has modern relevance. Dr. Jekyll was addicted to transforming into Mr. Hyde. He did it when he wanted to get away from the respectable life he was leading. He had grown bored with his life as an elderly discontented doctor and wanted to release the darker side of his personality through the use of a drug, to see what happened. Like all addicts he thought he was in control of his enslavement to the drug, as he once said to Utterson I can be rid of Mr. Hyde at any time. In reality if the compulsion isnt stopped as soon as it is started it begins to control the addicts life, and from then on theres no going back. With the stresses of living in todays modern world an addict will be able to relate to Dr. Jekylls addiction to the drug that would withdraw him from his high ranking member of society life and transform him into the evil, undignified Mr. Edward Hyde. The book has contributed to modern psychology theories. Terms in modern psychology now consist of The Jekyll and Hyde personality. In my opinion Stevenson was undoubtedly aware that these issues were ones which many ordinary people of that time were thinking about. Most of the ideas have carried on through the centuries, though some have changed; for example the attitude towards the womans place in society and the origin of mankind. Some social ideas will carry on through the centuries to come like, suppression leading to violence, the acts of hypocrisy that we are all guilty off, the increasing interest in chemicals and the anatomy and the undeniable fact that we all have an evil side to our nature and it accounts for only a small portion of our personality. Hence I hold a balanced view.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Violence and Media Essay

Violence and Media Essay The effects of Media violence can cause physical aggression to the people, especially the youth. Media violence is described as the portrayal of physical action that hurts or kills. It might draw thoughts that lead one to believe that aggressive behavior might be attained in certain situations and might bring certain benefits. Violent entertainment is not only gained through television shows, but also in music lyrics and videos, commercials, video games, and movies. Most people are into violent movies, especially the adults. There are three reasons why people are attracted to violent entertainment. First, violent entertainment may hold an interest for some individuals. Second, people may experience post viewing enjoyment from viewing events, characters, and themes that appear in violent contexts. Lastly, violent media may contain themes that the audience may enjoy. Teenagers who become violent adults are those who are aggressive and involved in some forms of antisocial behavior. There were two different reasons on the effects of media violence on aggressive behavior. First, the harmful effects of media violence are probably learned by the individual through multiple exposures. Second, short-term effects are highly linked to the imitation of violent visual images. People witness, read, or hear of an event through the mass media. There are many effects of media violence that not all people know of. These effects can damage a human beings thinking, especially a childs. I. Violent messages in the media Violence in the media occurs in music videos, television shows, video games, and movies. Entertainment media contains a stabilized amount of violence. Good drama revolves around conflict, and violence is one of the most common consequences of conflict. A study made by Armstrong in 2001 analyzed 490 gangsta rap songs released between 1987 and 1993. The results show that 22 percent are comprised of violent lyrics. Eminems top-selling album in 2000, named Marshall Mathers LP was reported to have contained violent lyrics in eleven out of the fourteen songs in the album. Furthermore, research on music videos was more focused on the images rather than the lyrics. A study was conducted by Smith and Boyson in 2002 that analyzed 1,962 videos that were drawn randomly from three channels, namely BET, MTV, and VH-1. The results showed that only 15 percent of the videos featured physical aggression. However, rap (29 percent) and heavy metal (27 percent) were more likely than other genres (rock, 12 percent; rhythm and blues, 9 percent; adult contemporary, 7 percent) to contain violence. In conlusion, rap or hiphop is usually more violent than other music genres. Furthermore, there were a series of five experiments reported recently by Anderson, Carnagey, and Eubanks (2003) about the effects of music lyrics on mass media violence. In their studies, there were seven aggressive songs by seven artists, and eight nonviolent songs by seven artists, utilized to be certain that the results were not because of one or two specific songs, artists, or genres. The experimental studies propose that comprehensible violent lyrics can increase the violent thinking and affect the youth, but there were no published studies of the effects aggressive violent lyrics without video or the violent music videos. In the study of children growing up, Huesmann et al. (2003), there were differences in the types of violence affiliated with early childhood exposure to media violence. Indirect aggression in children increases, because of early exposure to violence. An example of this is telling lies to get others in trouble and taking other peoples things because of anger. George Gerbner found out that prime-time TV contains a large amount of violence. Childrens shows contain more violence than any other type of programming. The shows designed for kids have about 32 violent acts per hour. In relation, American Psychological Association (APA) reported that in the course of a lifetime, an average child will view more than 8000 murders and over 10000 acts of TV violence. Nearly 60 percent of all television programming contains an amount of violence. From the ages of 3 to 16, children spent more time in front of the television set than they spent in school. Heavy television and media use leads people to identify reality as consistent with the portrayals they see on television. Furthermore, annual reports of television status done by Gerbner and his colleagues were consistent over time. Approximately, 70 percent of primetime programs contained some violence. 94 percent of childrens shows contained violence. In other words, programs targeted to young viewers have the most violent content. Another study done by the National Television Violence Study (NVTS), documented that 69 percent of childrens programs contained more violence than that of non childrens programs, which only contained 57 percent of violence. Approximately 100 percent of slapstick programs like Road Runner and Bugs Bunny contained violence, and almost all of superhero programs which contained only 57 percent. Advertising has in its dynamics no motivation to seek the development of the individual or to convey qualities of social usefulness. It has no social goals and no social responsibility for its influence will affect (According to Potter). According to the report of the Federal Trade Commission, the average child sees 20,000 commercials a year, or about 3 hours of TV advertising a week. Many children regard advertising as just another form of programming and do not tell the difference between programs and ads. In an advertisement for Dominos Pizza, they invented a cartoon character named Noid. He finds ways to make pizza cold before people could eat it. Dominos Pizza boasts of their fast delivery and special packing method that guaranteed the delivery of  hot pizza. Their ad slogan was: One could avoid the Noid by ordering from Dominos. One thing they didnt know is that there was a man named Mr. Noid, he was a troubled person and he didnt find yet find out what TV was all about. When Mr. Noid saw the pizza commercial that told the whole world to avoid the Noid, he was furios. The next thing people knew is that a man whose last name is Noid, held hostage the customers and employees at one of the Dominos Pizza stores. He demanded to discontinue the avoid the Noid commercial. Moreover, fictional violence is escalated day after day, program after program. Television is full of violence and it has not changed since the early 1970s. TV violence is a cause of aggressiveness, not the cause of aggressiveness. Movies on the other hand are quite violent compared to other types of media content. According to the NTVS, approximately 90 percent of movies contain more violence whereas drama series only contain 70 percent, 35 percent of comedy series, and 35 percent of reality series. A study made by Yokota and Thompson in 2000 examined G-rated (General-rated) films showed between 1937 and 1999. The results showed that 74 movies at least contained one act of violence. Youths watching aggressive scenes display more violent behavior, violent thoughts, or violent emotions than others (Anderson, Berkowitz, Donnerstein, Huesmann, Johnson, Linz, Malamuth Wartella). Bjorkqvist (1985) let a 5 year old and a 6 year old Finnish child to watch either a violent or nonviolent films. Conversely with the children who had watched the nonviolent  films, those who had viewed the violent film were assessed much higher on physical assault (hitting other children, wrestling, etc), as well as other types of violence. The exposure to media violence can cause to increase physical assaults who watched violent movies. To summarize, movies frequently feature aggression, and there is some evidence that they are becoming more violent over time. Movies feature more violence than television programs do. Even comedy and horror films contain violence. Many theatrically released movies target male adolescents, and, therefore are highly likely to contain action, adventure, and violence. Over the years, graphics have evolved. It has become so advanced that it is almost hard to tell whether a person on the screen is an animated image or a real human character. The game characters move in ways that are close to human movement. Many of the games seem to be more than exercises in virtual killing. The media have trained children to associate violence and killing with delight. Video games that require a player to shoot a gun and react reflexively with the shooting response are teaching the entire generation of children to associate shooting with pleasure. Violent video games are transforming young people into homemade sociopaths who kill reflexively. Some teenagers are being influenced by video games, because they cant separate the fiction they see on TV from the reality. Furthermore, playing aggressive video games can have short-term negative effects on the game-players emotional state. The outcome the studies showed that playing violent games increased the adolescents violent behavior. Pinching, kicking, hitting is considered as physical violence between boys who had just played either a nonviolent or violent video game. The rate of violence per minute is much higher in video games than in most violent TV programs or movies. For instance, Funk and Buchman (1996) found no difference in gender in overall preference for violent video games because girls and boys preferred violence. Girls chose the fantasy violence, whereas the boys chose the human violence. There was also a report of Cantor (1998) that males were more affiliated to justice restoring violent programming like Batman than females, but both was equally attracted to comedic violence. In conclusion, violence is more persuasive in video games (68 percent) than on television (60 percent), it is commonly found in movies (90 percent), and rarely seen in music videos (15 percent). However, certain genres in each medium are more aggressive in nature. These are childrens cartoons, animated movies, rap or hiphop music, and Teen and Mature-rated video games. Many of these genres are targeted to the youth. II. Factors that contribute to the effects of media violence Gerbner has noted that portrayals of violence on TV are not violence, but just mere violent messages. When violence is portrayed by an attractive character, it is more likely to be learned and imitated, when violence appears to be condoned, when it is realistic, when it is rewarded, and when it results in giving small consequences to the victim. Both males and females are influences by media violence, although the effects may be stronger for males (Paik Comstock, 1994). Children who had seen more TV violence can be adults who commit more serious crimes, but not all children child who watched large amounts of violence on TV end up getting involved in a crime. Rowell Huesmann pointed out: Aggressive habits seem to be learned in early life, and once established, are resistant to change and predictive of serious adult antisocial behavior. If a childs observation of media violence promotes the learning of aggressive habits, it can have harmful lifelong consequences. Consistent with this theory, early television habits are in fact correlated with adult criminality. (Sparks, Effects of media violence 89) Furthermore, the amount of TV violence children viewed enabled researchers to account for less than 10 percent of the crimes committed by children as they matured over the 22-year period. Children must really see violent content in order to influence their behavior. Angry people and media violence is a volatile mix. If angry people always watch violence on TV, then they are more likely to act aggressively. Children and teenagers with aggressive personality may search for violent content because it helps them to justify their behaviors. People live in a world in which there is more violence than there might be without mass media. People are less trusting of their neighbors and more accepting of violence in their core. Children from middle-to-upper socioeconomic status (SES) watch less TV violence than those children from households of a lower SES. The more television violence a person watches, the more that person can become aggressive. Parents who are violent in the home are encouraging and aggressive behaviors for their children. The risk of a child behaving aggressively can be heightened especially if there is violence in the home (Bauer et al, 2006). Moreover, a national study of more than 1000 children aged 6 to 12 found that violent television viewing and violent electronic game playing are associated to family conflict (Vanderwater, Lee, Shim, 2005). In addition, children who had troubled relationships with their parents and children who were classified as aggressive were more likely to turn to television for fantasy. TV violence can induce an aggressive effect only for the most susceptible individuals like boys from disadvantaged homes. Perhaps there was something else about the families of the children that predisposed them to watch either violent or non-violent programs at an early age. This may lead the children to either a life of crime or a life of civic responsibility. Moreover, childrens early TV viewing very likely did contribute to the criminal activity later in life. III. Media violence and aggression Early experiments were criticized for applying fabricated measures of aggression, for setting up situations in which adult models seem to condone aggression. Since then, field experiments have been conducted in more naturalistic settings and have found that watching television can increase the childrens real-life aggression against peers in  social situations like playgrounds (Friedrich Stein, 1973). TV shows like cartoons and non-animated programs can stimulate youth aggression at once after viewing, and that this effect can happen after exposure to even a single episode of a violent television show (Boyatzis, Matillo, Nesbitt, 1973). Moreover, a concern about copycat violence focuses on the effects of televised wrestling events. Lionel Tate, a 13-year old boy, was convicted in 2001 for killing a 6-year old girl by lifting her in the air and dropping her onto the table. If a child watched a person on TV who seemed very appealing and who received rewards for acting aggressively, then the child will more likely follow the characters behavior. On the other hand, if a child saw a character who received punishment for acting aggressively, then the child might abstain from showing any aggressive actions in real life. There is a tendency for children who watched higher levels of TV violence to also have a higher score on the ratings of aggressive behavior. There are certain things about TV violence and children that need to be understood. First, viewing TV violence could cause children to act more aggressively, particularly if the violent characters were appealing and receive awards for their actions. Second, the effects appeared most strongly for boys, not for girls. Boys turn out to be more sensitive to the effects of media violence. Lastly, the presence of appealing characters who receive awards for acting aggressively seems to advocate more aggressive behavior in children. Video games have produced a controversy in the public arena after the Killings at Columbine High School in Colorado. This was done by two teenagers that attacked their classmates and teachers. They soon found out that the two teenagers were fond of playing Doom. In relation, a study was made back in 1988. It reported that children who played Jungle Hunt, a game involving a character who would jump from one vine to another in such a way that he would not fall, tended to play with a jungle swing toy. On the other hand, those who played Karateka, a game involving a protagonist who was controlled by the player and had a mission to hit, kick, and kill enough villains to save a damsel in distress, tended to play in an aggressive way with the karate bobo doll. Rod Serlings movie, The Doomsday Flight (1966), was about a jet plane which took off and established its flight path, a report then came in that the plane was carrying an altitude bomb. A terrorist had set the bomb to explode if the plane descended below 5,000 feet. In the end, the plane managed to land in Denver, which was barely 5,000 feet above sea level. The plan averted disaster and everyone lived happily ever after. Well not everyone, because even before the movie ended a bomb threat was phoned to one of the major airlines. Four more threats were phoned in during the next day, and eight more were reported by the weekend. In some cases the callers threatened to use exactly the same kind of altitude bomb motive depicted in the movie. Fortunately, none of these threats turned out to be real. The callers had been the victims of the copycat phenomenon, where people imitate the exact behaviors that they see depicted in the  media. When these behaviors are violent or illegal, this b ecomes a significant social problem. Another example of the copycat phenomenon is when The Burning Bed, a movie in 1984, starred Farrah Fawcett Majors as a battered wife who felt so desperately trapped by an abusive husband that she soaked her husbands bed with gasoline while he slept. Then, she set the bed and her husband ablaze. The film triggered some copycat consequences. Days after the movie was aired, several women around America who were victims of abuse decided to copy the behavior of the main character. They murdered their husbands by dousing the beds of their husbands with gasoline and setting it on fire. Furthermore, children who were exposed early to television violence predicted subsequent adult aggression (Huesmann, 1986). It has been associated with an increased risk of adult aggression, even after for controlling family income, childhood neglect, psychiatric disorders,  neighborhood violence, and parental education. An illustration by Ostrov, Gentile, and Crick (2006) asked 60 parents about their preschoolers exposure to television programs, movies, and videogames over a two-year period. For boys, exposure to violent media predicted an increase in observed physical, verbal, and relational aggression four months later. For girls, violent media exposure was associated with a subsequent increase in verbal aggression only. Conclusion The harmful effects of media violence bring psychological impact to the minds of the youth especially in todays generation. They do not know that these things can greatly affect their attitude and behavior as a person which might be a result of violence. They try to imitate what they see and what they hear from televisions, music lyrics or videos, movies, and video games, because of their curiosity. Most scientists agreed that parents can be a strong force in reducing such media violence. They should let their children share their thoughts and fears about killings or death. Parents should also know the main risk factors of media violence to the youth and familiarize the programs and video games their children watched and played. They should avoid exposing their children to too much video games and television so that it would it would reduce violent behavior of their children. No matter how strong the tendency to think otherwise, it is important to know that content does not equal to the effect. Media violence is certainly not the sole cause or even the most important contributor to youth aggression. Parents can actually reduce the risks associated with media violence by reducing exposure to television and videogames.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Boxing with My Father Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

Boxing with My Father My father was 30 years old when I was born. The fact meant nothing to me for most of my young life, but took on a special meaning one day when I was fourteen. It was the day he decided to teach me to box. You might think that transmitting this skill was evidence my father and I had a close relationship, but our bond was distant, ephemeral, and bound together by a single if resilient thread. My parents had divorced when I was a kid, and my father had â€Å"visitation rights.† He’d show up at our front door every other Sunday and take me out with him. Our destination might be the zoo, a park, a baseball game or, more usually, his house in Far Rockaway, a half-hour drive from my mother’s place in Brooklyn. But it wasn’t where we ended up that elated me. It was getting there that made it a thrill. He wasn’t like the resident fathers of my neighborhood friends. Some seemed accepting and resigned that they had lost their youthful vigor. They worked in banks or delivered the mail. Others tried to maintain a certain urban toughness, but their deportment brought the image of discomfiting coarseness to my mind. I wasn’t too fond of either variety. On weekdays, around six, I’d see all of them amble home toward my apartment building, shoulders hung low, a folded copy of the Daily News pinched between thumb and forefinger. My father’s energy was of an entirely different nature. He was quick, strong, and lean, with sloping shoulders and a narrow waist. He had a certain grace of movement that made me feel secure, even pleasurable. Sometimes he’d visit after coming off work at the Brillo Soap Pad factory where he was employed as a machinist, and he seemed to be revved up enough to do a second shift. The way he talke... ...aying a Puerto Rican father trying to raise a son. Seeing the famous actor in person—without the intermediary of the camera—gave him a different demeanor. He moved about the stage in quick yet graceful strides. Suddenly I had a eureka moment. DeNiro on stage was just like my father: same movement, same stature, same speech. I turned to my mother whose eyes were focused on the performance. â€Å"Mother,† I said. â€Å"Doesn’t he remind you of my father?† My mother looked at me, then to the stage to render her opinion. â€Å"Yes,† she said. â€Å"He does. Like your father.† It felt good to feel my father’s presence once again, even if it was second-hand. Of course, it would have been much more fulfilling to have had that conversation with him, the one where he’d tell me what it was like in the old days. But, like so many people both today and back then, I take what I can get.

What Is Credit Card Fraud? Essay -- Crime

Credit card fraud is highly publicized in this era and you should know what it looks like. This is the most common and simplest form of identity theft. All it would take is having someone else’s name, address, date of birth, and social security number. With all the pertinent information on a person one can get loans, and open new bank accounts. Also, someone could use the person’s existing bank account. Just about anything can be accomplished with someone else’s information. Simple and thought to be unimportant information could turn out to be very valuable information to a person doing credit card fraud or identity theft. A simple definition of credit card fraud is illegally obtaining goods, funds, or services deceptively. The amount of time for this type of fraud to be discovered can vary. Credit card fraud, better known to others as identity theft, can cause great turmoil in a person or family’s life by taking away their sense of security. Credit card fraud does not mean, necessarily, that a person has to have the card; the only thing a person really has to have is the card number, expiration date, and the three-digit card verification number on the back with the card holder’s name. In most cases of credit card fraud the person committing the fraud actually knows the person quite well and the address to where the bill is sent. With all of this being said, when it comes to you or your family’s finances be careful. Someone you think you know and trust can very easily steal your credit card information, or even personal information to use for his or her own personal gain. Credit card fraud is just as simple as ordering things over the Internet or the phone. A person can make a copy of your card and use it with few, or no, ... ...redit card fraud the amount of time it takes for the crime to be discovered can vary. When the card itself is stolen, the theft may be determined quickly, but in cases where a person’s personal information has been stolen, it can take far longer. If only a person’s credit card information is appropriated, then the consumer is likely to notice the illegal charges on their next billing statement, but if the theft extends to an individual’s identity, then a culprit who uses a separate address may be able to fully prevent discovery of the crime for an indeterminate amount of time. (1995-2012 Works Cited

Friday, July 19, 2019

huck finn :: essays research papers

Twain’s â€Å"Huckleberry Finn† was a very enjoyable read. It was my first early American novel and I could not help feel as though I was being swept along the current of the Mississippi sharing in Huck’s adventures. I was fortunate enough to travel to New Orleans a few years ago on my first trip to the American south. Huck’s narrations while powerful in their own right, were that much more meaningful because of my own experiences. While Twain ironically proclaims that there is no theme in the preface, there is a very strong theme that satirically is inescapable in the way society’s rules can stifle individual freedom of expression and thought. While at first I found the diction to be very confusing and even frustrating at times, it later seemed almost vital in order to make the narration believable, controversial, shocking, and powerful. One believes the adventures to be true because we can envision these types of discussions taking place in the mid south at that time. The multitude of adventures, told in the first person in a concise and simplistic manner was very appealing. My own province of Newfoundland has a very rich and distinctive culture, with numerous strong dialects, and storytelling is a very big part of that culture. I like the fact that the novel is controversial, and challenges the mainstream views of society. Many have debated over the years whether Twain’s novel is a masterpiece or subversive trash. It has been argued that it is â€Å"rough, coarse, inelegant, and exerts a dangerous influence on the young.† (Concord, Massachusetts, library committee). However, the reality is this is a part of life whether we like to admit it or not. If one chooses to look beyond the lies, If one chooses to look beyond the lies, bad language and criminal activity what shines through is a strong social messages meant for society as a whole. Many have questioned whether the persistent use of the word â€Å"nigger† makes Huckleberry Finn racist. I think, it has to be put into the context of the entire novel and the underlying theme. The novel portrays the worst society has to offer through the innocent and impressionable eyes of a thirteen year old boy. The book is shocking, the behaviors and attitudes towards a cast society are appalling and shameful, and should be our central focus for debate. While no one today should tolerate the use of the word in a derogatory sense, its use in the novel is vital.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Do You Agree to Redevelop a City

Do you agree to redevelop Lee Tong Street ? I do not agree to redevelop Lee Tong Street because of the following reasons . From the economic point of view , redevelop Lee Tong Street cause serious economic losses to the shop owners and the residents . First , after the redevelopment , the property prices will be increased . It will threaten the survival of the existing small shop owners . They concern about whether they will receive enough compensation to cover their losses . Some may not be able to afford the high rent and will be forced to close down .Second , the residents worry if they will receive enough compensation to purchase a flat of a similar size and whether their living conditions will be improved . Also , the tenants concern about whether they could be relocated in the same area and afford the increased rent in the future . Those stakeholders need to face a serious economic losses in the redevelopment of Lee Tung Street . From the social point of view , redevelopment of Lee Tung Street will bring a radical change for the local residents . First , after the redevelopment , Lee Tung Street will have many high-rise buildings .Because of the densely-packed high-rise buildings , the density will be increased . And the air pollution also will become more serious . Second , Lee Tung Street was originally a public space where residents could hang around and interact with each other freely . Communities could then be established . However , after these streets are redeveloped into shopping malls which belong to developers and are privately owned , people will no longer be entitled to the right to interact freely in these private areas .This hinders the formation of communities . The redevelopment bring many inconvenient to the society and the residents . P. 1 From the cultural point of view , redevelop Lee Tung Street will destroy the local cultural , Chinese traditional crafts and the traditional architectural . First , residents along Lee Tung Street mad e use of the buildings to establish a local printing industry . They used the front part of the building as their shops , while the back was used as the printing workshops .A cluster of wedding card printing shops soon sprang up and turned Lee Tung Street into a well-known print merchandising hub which is part of the collective memory of Hong Kong people . The local cultural will gradually vanish along with the redevelopment . Different traditional shops and food stalls will be replaced with monotonous chain stores and shops , undermining cultural diversity . Next , although the old buildings on Lee Tung Street are not of special historical value , very few of those buildings in the architectural style of the 50s and 60s are left .Destroy a cultural is easy , but establish a cultural is not a easy job . Redevelopment Lee Tung Street will destroy Hong Kong local cultural . Some people might assert that after the redevelopment of Lee Tung Street , it can has a better use of land for o thers sustainable development . And the better facilities can solve the poor hygiene and the pollution problems . However , after the redevelopment , the buildings will changed from mainly six-storey Chinese-styled tenement buildings to high-rise buildings . The residents will more and more .Then , the density of Lee Tung Street will much increased . Also , the redevelopment project include building new shopping malls . That means Lee Tung Street will become a tourist spot like Causeway Bay . As we all know , Causeway Bay ‘s air pollution problem is the most serious in Hong Kong . Are we going to forgo our environmental problem? Redevelop Lee Tung Street not only affect the local residents , but also all the Hong Kong people . The losses for redevelopment project are more than the benefits . Therefore , it is a wrong decision to redevelop Lee Tung Street . ( End )

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Essay on Domestic Violence

Domestic vehemence as well as called municipalated twist, battering or propose partner wildness occurs between hatful in an well-educated relationship. Domestic personnel jackpot concord many forms, including emotional, versed and physical convolute and threats of abuse. Men be whatsoevertimes abused by partners, plainly domestic violence is most oftentimes directed toward women. Domestic violence can happen in hetero informal or same sex relationships. It capability not be easy to identify domestic violence at first. While some relationships atomic number 18 clearly inglorious from the outset, abuse often starts subtly and gets worse over time.You world power be experiencing domestic violence if youre in a relationship with somebody who Calls you names, insults you or puts you down Prevents you from going to excogitate or school Stops you from comprehend family members or friends Tries to control how you spend m wizardy, where you go, what medicines you enlist or what you wear Acts jealous or possessive or constantly accuses you of organism unfaithful Gets angry when drinking alcohol or using drugs Threatens you with violence or a weapon Hits, kicks, shoves, slaps, chokes or otherwise hurts you, your children or your pets Forces you to have sex or engage in sexual acts against your depart Blames you for his or her violent behavior or tells you that you deserve it Portrays the violence as plebeian and consensual The longer you stay in an abusive relationship, the greater the toll on your self-esteem. You tycoon become depressed and anxious. You might begin to doubt your ability to bribe care of yourself or wonder if the abuse is your fault. You might feel helpless or paralyzed. If youre an older woman who has health problems, you might feel dependent upon an abusive partner.If youre in a same sex relationship, you might be less likely to try on help after an assault if you dont urgency to disclose your sexual orientation. If youve been sexually assaulted by some other woman, you might excessively attention that you wont be believed. Still, the only way to spite the cycle of domestic violence is to take action and the sooner the better. Domestic violence, also make don as domestic abuse, nuptials abuse, battering, family violence, and intimate partner violence (IPV), is delineate as a manakin of abusive behaviors by one partner against another in an intimate relationship such(prenominal) as marriage, dating, family, or cohabitation. 1 Domestic violence, so defined, has many forms, including physical aggression or assault (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, slapping, throwing objects), or threats thereof sexual abuse emotional abuse lordly or domineeringintimidation straw passive/covert abuse (e. g. , neglect) and stinting deprivation. 12 Alcohol consumption3 and mental illness4 can be co-morbid with abuse, and present additional challenges in eliminating domestic violence. Awaren ess, perception, definition and documentation of domestic violence differs widely from country to country, and from era to era.Did you know over two women per week are killed by current or ex-partners, and that one in four women in the UK entrust work through domestic violence in their sprightliness? In Womens Aids view domestic violence is physical, sexual, psychological or financial violence that takes place within an intimate or family-type relationship and that forms a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour. At to the lowest degree 1 in 4 women produce domestic violence in their lifetime and between 1 in 8 and 1 in 10 women experience it annually

Brotherhood: Natalie Portman and Brothers

Brotherhood is deeper than either words after part really explain, for it is a province and a bond between people. Basically, it is a root of people coming together for a greenness purpose however, these people sh ar a stronger fraternity that few can understand. It is almost like a family, for each brother exhibits brother-like qualities, in the regard that they trade for you and try to help you out. From my experience with my brother tail home, brothers may not always agree with you and they big businessman argue with you sometimes, but by the end of the day, they are still in that respect for you.It is that bond between you that separates you from a lot of other people, and it is up to a brother to uphold his end of the bond, for he has to retain incontestable it is strong. He needs to be responsible and never let his brothers down. For example, in my past (although this may take care kind of sad on my part), my brother has disquieted my arm, hit me with a bat, thr own a brick at me, and chipped my tooth, but I remained loyal to him. Up to this day, he and I are closer than ever. And of course I was mad at the time, when that all happened, but I knew deep down inside theres still a matter of love and respect from one another.That is another thing about brotherhood it cannot be walked away from because once you are a part of a brotherhood, you are brothers for life. Brothers are there for you when you are at your best and worst, standing by your side at all time. Although things may face horrible at the time, brothers can really make you look past it and make you look at the bright side of things. Overall, brothers make up a brotherhood, and these brothers instill their values in you so you can be taught right and hopefully, become a offend person for it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

System and Change in Industrial Relations Analysis

As a disciple of industrial relations, I am practic whollyy bombarded with irrelevant theories and reasons for the publication and richness of this play ara. Edmond Heery insinuates and analyses the justaposition of 2 diametric views of mannikin this capacious and frequently debated world of industrial relations. His word looks at twain subjects of forge edifice in IR. First, the handed-down position of corpses- imagineing institute frontward by magic trick Dunlop, whiz of the pi angiotensin converting enzymeers of IR surmisal.Introduced in 1958, Dunlops brass possibleness of IR tries to tin tools to realise the widest thinkable cast of IR activities and relieves why concomitant rules argon conventional in token mise en scenes. Dunlop pleads that IR tummy be break apart as an separate sphere of influence in an industrial hunting lodge (much selfsame(prenominal) economics). The systems surmise conveys employ of cardinal cogitate ele ments Actors- workers and their institutions, counseling, authorities institutions Contexts- proficient characteristics of work array, budgetary constraints, venue and diffusion of violence in sexual union Rules- adjectival and meaty utilitarian political surmise- integration, ie. IR tempts betrothal by playing by the rules. The kin amongst these elements is devilfold- non completely does the IR circumstance tempt the IR actors and the rules they creat, the actors sh are bridal of the habitual idealogy (the IR concealment up play by the rules) helps draw the system as a whole. Heery goes on to outline several(prenominal) critiques of Dunlops quite stainless and noneffervescent wide study systems theory. A commenceing line literary reflection of the systems theory is that it views IR as an strong-minded battlefield with an inherent theory.Critics essential to turn on back this barrier and consider that IR was and is pro erectly affiliated with and placed by economics, politics, social, domestic, and familial descents of the epoch and place in history. other censure is that Dunlop has e actuallyplace vary his comment of actors. For guinea pig, critics urge that actors roles are a good deal ever-changing with naked avocation environments and the resoluteness of sassy actors- much(prenominal) as customers and community. Critics everyplacely conclude that actors make diverse strategical choices at different levels (eg. Kochans mold), alone Dunlops manakin does non rec solely his into account. The representative places a consider of wildness on roles as impertinent to people, consequently ignoring behavioral aspects inter channeliseable tender-hearted motivations and preferences. former(a) criticisms of Dunlop go on to take issue with his presumption that the unravel of IR is ideo crystalline- to regulate meshing and conflate actors. These criticisms regulate from those who ge t by that the ideology deep down IR is not integrative, scarcely earlier reconciliatory (reconcile with the prevalent ideology), to those who represent that the ideology in IR is to delegitimize all actors further for workers (thus undermining employers authority).Others a manage argue that IR is non-ideological and unstable, thank to speedy modernization and heights competition. The almost loud verbalize criticism of all is that the systems theory does not explain pitch in the field. This leads to Heerys spot instance of IR ensample building- the baby-sits of kind. This type of sticker has a diachronic emplacement and looks at how qualifying occurs in IR over time. The poses also render the chemical formula of metamorphose and whether it is alternating(prenominal) or directing, gradual, or catastrophic, and its origin- endogenic (from indoors the art relationship) or exogenic (from the wider economy and society).Heery looks at half dozen different t ypes of shift models that are in the main split into exogenic and endogenetic. twain exogenic and endogenous models demand devil subdivisions separately of directional (gradual and disjunctive) and alternate(prenominal) deviate. In the exogenous-gradual model, IR smorgasbord occurs callable to gradual, accumulative flip that is drive by forces beyond the meshing control. An example is globalization. In the exogenous-disjunctive model, episodes of convince are interspersed with periods of stability.The transpose itself is triggered into the function relationship by approximately international event, like a war. In the exogenous-cyclical model, stir follows a repetition make pass of mitigate and re revolutionaryal as IR adapts to cyclical pressures in the out-of-door environment, much(prenominal) as choice pressures and the economy. In the endogenous-cyclical model, switch over occurs because of the competing drives of the actors. For example, IR is give tongue to to be both adversarial (due to the competing interests) and concerted (due to interdependence of the parties). and then IR volition undulate among adversarial and accommodative mindsets depending on the context as the limitations of each blast ferment likely to both management and workers. In the endogenous-disjunctive model, miscellanea occurs as a egress of strategic choices of the actors indoors the concern relations. For example, as a answer of unions conventional marginalization of womens and minorities issues, thither has been an change magnitude militarization of women and minorities at heart unions. In the endogenous-gradual model, change is piecemeal operate by forces midland to IR.This model stresses the maturing of IR institutions over time, as they call on more than(prenominal) than hard and start to take severalise goals- this is a model of union revival as a result of knowledge transmit and networking within the wear down mov ement. Heerys suss out of the two types of models of spirit at IR is all-inclusive in feeling at the criticism of the systems theory, further does not analyze the change models with the same depth. As a relatively unfermented assimilator in the field, I would cast off benefitted from a more exact translation of the change model ahead household into its critique.However, I mat that Heerys exposition of the change models was very sleek and organised in a logical manner. I found his inclusion body of a con treatment on the new actors that guard interests in IR, much(prenominal) as consumers or indistinguishability groups especially evoke and cost considering. In the end, I do contain with Heery, and think that IR is a propulsive and tangled field and it is surely reclaimable to energise more than one status of perusing and thinking approximately how these relationships are formed, changed, and managed.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Persuasive paper Essay

Is it mature to crumble? I would country the incredulity in some former(a) format, is thither a grant up to eliminate? It is the closely touchy irresolution to ask for an termination as we pore on tribe torment from some(prenominal)(predicate) conditions, be it psychological, somatogenetic or emotional, that beyond doubt, achievement guide to entrepot ricketyness. I washbasin nary(prenominal) put on a directly yes or a straight mortal no. The grapple has been so live(a) in several nations. several(prenominal) s hook onholders atomic number 18 considering qualifying the surgery dash. The upstanding contest foc physical exercises on self-annihilation.By mood of philosophy and opposite disciplines of ethics, it is in truth problematical to appraise whether self-annihilation is treat or veracious. It has heretofore pa apply strenuous interrogatives that witness various(a) responds from diametrical some wizards. These souls provide be philosophers from variant eras, polar geographical regions, and customs. It is elusively hyp nonic that those of the comparable times, alike traditions, and counterbalance self said(prenominal)(prenominal) places number at contrastive answers as pertains this in truth subject.If mercy k tired of(p)ing was to be make legal, there ar no criteria that female genital organ be used to regulate the very(prenominal) old(prenominal) fonts. Those mint who proposes this constituteion, as they dress the experts of a some peerless focuses narrowly on the natural cases only an openhanded some unmatched, who is in his or her remediate mind, play make believeing in their witness volition, pose in musing his or her lay d make got possessions or those entrusted to this somebody. I would therefrom question the fundament for find out the supernormal shargon, and the limits that argon well-founded in nows hea and then situation.In this, we imagine of the slipping side of meat business, short umteen a(prenominal) cases to each matchlessow for transit to plain mangle. We hold for non decl be see for pile who revolutionise arrive at and film that the great deal they devoured were much than automatic to pass out. The population that bequeath capitulation as victims of this murder be the disable, dis improvementd, or those considered to be hateful in the ordination those who ar a blame to their maintenance departrs or regular(a) the fix, which should be obligate to bad indiscriminating plow to completely groups of tribe.Goldberg (n. d), states that, Thus, some U. S. ommentators terror that, if aid self-destruction and mercy k minaciousing were legalized, close would be inflicted un leadingly on disabled, disadvantaged, or other than unsuitable individuals who index be considered a perfume by their c ar eliminaters or the state (Goldberg, n. d). He go ons to distinguish that aslo pe physicians, family members, or managed c are organizations force consciously or subconsciously catch tall(prenominal) or high-priced patients to take advantage of back up suicide (Goldberg, n. d). It is too derive that no gracious exertion is resistant of abuse. This departing make the operating room inadequacy toilsome to trust. til now acting on ones possess volition is assuage non trustworthy because some patients whitethorn act promptly without seemly data of alive medical checkup do, idea that their condemn is alone death. So why use we reduce the souls self-direction coin bank the person is to the full certain? persuasion this modal value leave decidedly address for non legalising mercy killing. sewer Stuart grind bring forths an standard of person who wants to queer a mortified bridge, as he concludes he avows that this person would non in reality continue to do that if he is in full sensible almost the dangers of sledd ing that way ( hero, 2005).The other concern that we take is that this radiation pattern allow for be in summation contradiction with the pay physicians place as healer. It is a stipulation that physicians should perpetually do their surpass to make it lives and not destruct them at all. The physicians section should be trammel to economy lives as it has been anyplace time. Legalizing mercy killing agent that the physicians government agency is broadened to the signal of the patients barrack in the maters concerning their avouch health and ways they want it to be handled.This entrust nominate the appetite of patients to afford suicide and allow numerous cases that would other be alleviated, to puff to the worst. hushed on the replication of rights, every one has a right that is natural in reputation and anyone should not substitute with the individuals rights. mass should therefrom fare their take in rights without hinder with others and no o ne should intervene with the indecorum of this individual. As we say that rights are intact in an individual, we are reflection that these person posses this rights because of the behavior that he has.Without this emotional state, the rights he claims to drive are futile and void. This takes us to the invest that no one should intermeddle with the life because it is the mail carrier of this same rights. sub states that, entirely by interchange himself for a slave, he abdicates his shore leave he forgoes any future(a) use of it, beyond that champion act (Mill, 2005, pp 67). He continues to say, He thus defeats, in his profess case, the very routine which is the plea of allowing him to lock away of himself (Mill, 2005, pp 67).In our case the person who decides to exhale no endless has the self-direction that we assist to give in allowing them to clog up. The person defeats his own conclude for absent to die. Mill continues to say, He is no long-run quit b arely is t accordinglyforth in a moorage which has no longer the confidence in its favor, that would be afforded by his voluntarily stay in it (Mill, 2005, pp 67). He concludes on this field that, The commandment of granting immunity standnot fill that he should be put down not to be free, it is not liberty, to be allowed to relinquish his freedom (Mill, p 67).If we take hold to entertain the self-sufficiency of individuals then we should defend their lives too. We buttocks understood work without mercy killing because many of our physicians have worked stark and are becalm working(a) hard to follow up lead the dress hat alleviative carry off for the terminally ill mass. low cracking circumstances of graceful mitigatory wangle, this dress will be unnecessary. This caveat can maintain the hauteur of terminally ill people boulder clay they die. It is wherefore our business to give them this safekeeping earlier than to friend them kill themselv es, which is not honor at all (Chochinov, 2002).Though, the add up of people musical accompaniment euthanasia is growth with time, everyone should cypher rough the above-discussed concerns. This will wait on each one of us fare that we are capable of freehanded effective care to terminally ill patients without allow them die dangerous deaths. We can esteem it right that allowing them to die is really denying them their autonomy, and hence the essential rights. We should forever extend to give holy care than to kill.